
“Debbie is a fantastic tutor. So knowledgeable, enabling and enthusiastic. We have learned so many different techniques. I have loved all her courses. We are very lucky to have her. I look forward to doing more” Sue M

“The tutor is amazing. Such a rounded approach to the subject” Darren D

“Debbie is a knowledgeable and patient tutor, always ready to help and very encouraging. I really enjoy her classes” Jenny M

“Debbie as a teacher is very engaging and supportive. I have learned so much every week and look forward to these classes immensely” Lou G

“This is the fifth course that I have done with Debbie and found that she is a terrific teacher. Patient with beginners and thoroughly knowledgeable about all the techniques of drawing and painting. I highly recommend her. I will be doing another course soon” Roy W

“I have thoroughly enjoyed attending all of Debbie’s classes. The variety and content are good and the teaching of techniques are excellent” Sue W

from students who have attended Deborah’s courses & workshops…